Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Project 1b | Lights Moving

Since I am interested in the effect that the construct is fading into the white background, I make an extended version of the animation to show how it is emerging from the white.

Fix camera, fix model, moving lights.


Joe K. said...

In this iteration one really starts to understand the construct through the use of light and line, which is somewhat relaxing to watch. I think an iteration that frames the curve of the construct and then follows the line that the edge makes might add a sensuality to the animation that could be very interesting to view.

Zak aka Z-man said...

I want this post to be titled..."what's moving?" not hey, only the light is moving guys...I felt biased from the beginning, but I wonder if I hadn't been, would the object seemed to have moved? Either way, looks good and explores nice ideas of shadow and contrast on your object.

Peter Leung said...

At first, I am afraid that there may be too many things moving at a time. But I will definitely explore more on "framing along the edge". Thanks for suggestion.